Wednesday, July 11, 2007


A delayed WikiWednesday in Portland

I made it to this month's WikiWednesday in Portland, delayed a week due to the holidays, over at the interim offices of AboutUs corporate world headquaters, overlooking the Willamette River. Unfortunately, the office we met in faced the less scenic parking lot.

In attendence were Mark Dilley, Ted Ernst, Brandon Sanders, and a couple of other AboutUs employees whose names I did not catch. Kristin Thompson, whom I met at Recent Changes Camp earlier this year, was supposed to be there but she didn't show before Mark and I closed the offices down.

I heard a lot of Wiki-related news that I'll try to remember to share when I have the time. The most important bit to share is that we've scheduled meetings for the next three months. The August meeting will be centered around a remote link with Wikimania in Taipei, hopefully taking advantage of the Wikimania Lounge. At least that's the plan at the moment; so far, since the rest of the attendees will be in Taipei, I'm the only person who promised to show. Where ever I decide to have it.


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