Saturday, March 17, 2007


Upcoming events

BarCamp Portland now has not only a date (11-12 May), but a place: Cubespace, located at 622 SE Grand will host the event. According to an email from Dawn Foster, "They have a large break room where we can fit around a hundred people for kickoffs and the Saturday evening DemoCamp. They also have 2 larger
conference rooms (25 people) and a few medium to small rooms giving us plenty of space for multiple sessions."

An event I just learned about which will be held later this year in Portland, is "Ubuntu Live", 22-24 July. Sponsored not only by Canonical, O'Reilly and Associates will also be involved, in order to tie it in with their better-known OSCON. I guess they've noticed the growing success of various informal events growing up around OSCON like OSCamp and FOSCON.


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Hi - I manage a small usergroup in Bend ( Some of our members might be interested in attending your May event. Do you have more info that I can pass along? Thanks!
I forwarded a copy of the announcement letter to the Portland Linux/UNIX group, which tells more.

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